Product designer


Since you're here, you probably know I design software. On this page you can see some of my works. Only the good ones, of course. I'm too shrewd to let you know the bad ones exist. You can also read a bit about me, if you want to get a glimpse of what kind of person I am. I know it's not the most captivating read, so I supplemented it with an image of an adorable cat to improve your user experience.


Welcome Pickups. Booking.

Welcome Pickups is a taxi service for travelers that handles 1500 rides a day across 50 destinations. To increase revenue, I was making continuous data-driven improvements to its booking site, which was the main source of customers. After around 20 experiments and a complete redesign, the conversion rate and revenue increased by a double-digit percentage, while support costs dropped by a similar amount. A key factor in these results was close collaboration with product managers, developers, and support agents to identify problems, develop ideas, run experiments, and ultimately deliver the final product...  Read details


Welcome Pickups. Traveler app.

After travelers book a taxi ride, it's common for them to have issues at some point. At Welcome Pickups they were handled manually by support agents, which was expensive, slow, and left both sides wanting a better solution. After analyzing the most common issues, we realized that we could productize their resolution.

So I designed an app for riders and iteratively added features, each solving a specific problematic scenario. I worked closely with support agents and drivers to understand the problems, and with the product team to define the scope and deliver solutions efficiently. These efforts reduced the number of support tickets three-fold, improved customer satisfaction, and increased the number of returning bookers...  Read details


Welcome Pickups. Website.

Most customers of Welcome Pickups began their journey on the website. Unfortunately, its pages were outdated, inconsistent, hard to change, and didn't represent the brand well. Preparing for a redesign, we conducted a series of A/B tests on the most visited pages to understand how changes affected conversion rates and to identify what we could and couldn't do. Once the test results were in, I designed a set of reusable building blocks and made several page templates using them.

This allowed anyone to quickly build new pages that looked fresh and consistent with the rest of the site. Additionally, I collected and organized scattered marketing resources like photos and quotes, and coordinated the creation of new ones, including bootstrapping a photoshoot.


Welcome Pickups. Dispatcher app.

In some destinations, Welcome Pickups uses the services of local taxi fleet companies. Many of them use prehistoric tools to manage their rides and drivers, which makes communication between the two parties difficult and expensive. Additionally, this complicates the control of service quality.

It was decided to provide them with a tool that could address these issues. We interviewed several fleet managers and learned about their current workflow and tooling. Using this data, I built a web app prototype. It allows fleet managers to control the whole lifecycle of a ride, manage drivers, vehicles, and monitor revenue.


Yandex. Direct Commander app.

Yandex is a large tech company making billions of dollars from advertising. Big clients manage their ads using a desktop app called Direct Commander. At the time, it had serious UX issues and had gone years without a redesign. Both users and developers were frustrated with it, so I was given the opportunity to redesign it from the ground up.

Drawing on user feedback, interviews, analytics, and competitor research, I designed a series of prototypes and refined them iteratively through multiple rounds of user testing and adjustments. The final version was implemented and launched. It received great reviews, was much easier to support, and aligned better with the company’s other products...  Read details


Yandex. Direct app.

Direct is a web app that most people use to manage their Yandex ads. Based on the research we did with the product team, I made several prototypes completely reimagining the existing outdated design.


Epifox app.

Epifox is a product for people with epilepsy and their loved ones. The patient wears a brain-monitoring headband that sends a notification to the caregiver app if there’s a risk of an epileptic seizure, allowing caregivers to locate and assist the patient. I researched the field and created a simple prototype of the app. The project didn’t go beyond this stage.


Eatout app.

Eatout is a restaurant booking service. It had an old mobile app that looked outdated, had usability issues, and lacked a number of new features implemented in the web app. I gave it a facelift and patched up the usability holes.


Eatout. Restaurant page.

A redesign of the main landing page where users book tables.


Highfly app.

A concept mobile app for booking high-end plane tickets.


Cerebro app.

A prototype of a web app for recording and analyzing brain activity via electroencephalography.


Post Bank. Card page.

A concept landing page for a bank product.


Superjob calendar.

A concept of a web page for employers and employees to check their non-working days and optimal times for taking leave.
